Is the pouch reset worth it

Have you had a successful weight loss after bariatric surgery and hit a plateau? Or are you just interested in trying to revamp or kick start your weightloss journey? A pouch reset might be the best option for you.


Let’s start at the beginning…

Bariatric surgery is one of the most successful treatments for obesity. It can lead to a huge reduction in obesity-related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes as well as a significant weight loss. And although weight loss surgery may seem like the quick-fix diet option, it isn’t always the easy journey many think. Bariatric surgery comes with its own set of tests and challenges and everyone’s journey is unique.


One of the challenges that many people aren’t prepared for is the difficulty you may experience with long-term weight loss or the regaining of weight years after surgery. Weight will come off much easier in the beginning and then begin to level out as time moves on. You may also experience weight gain in the years following surgery.


Your one year surgery-versary…


The first six months to a year after surgery will be the honeymoon phase and you will probably find that weight loss is very easy, your obesity-related diseases may improve significantly or disappear altogether and you are more physically active. During this phase your food and calorie intake are restricted due to your post op diet and the changes in the size of your stomach and hunger hormones. Due to these drastic changes in anatomy, diet and lifestyle your weight may feel like it is just falling off – and this feels euphoric! At this stage we feel more motivated, and this will only encourage you to be more active, and be more aware of your diet.

After this phase it is normal for both your weight loss and motivation to begin to wane. Your weight loss will start to level out or plateau for a while, your appetite may begin to increase and you may start to feel less motivated. These situations may make your new weight difficult to maintain and further weight loss a losing battle. Add into that the holiday season, celebrations and events or going on holiday and it can seem like you will never be able to achieve your goal weight.

Please don’t worry – weight regain is very common after weight loss surgery. So if you are struggling, please know that you aren’t alone in feeling this way and there are ways to help you get back on track!


Next steps…

The most successful technique to help you get back on track is called the pouch reset diet. This diet was originally designed to shrink the size of your new pouch, but actually there isn’t a lot of scientific evidence that it can do this. So why should you try it? Well, the pouch reset is believed to be very effective in resetting your eating habits, hunger levels and weight loss. By resetting your eating habits you will feel fuller more quickly and satisfied with less food intake.


Pouch Reset explained…

This diet is a protein rich, short-term, low volume diet. The protein will help you feel fuller for longer and provide your muscles with enough energy to support your body throughout the day. You can do this diet for either 5, 7 or 14 days. Some people suggest that a pouch reset should only consist of liquids – protein shakes, soups and water – basically going completely back to basics. For some people these extreme methods are required to help get their motivation back.


Others can take a more relaxed approach, and can include low sugar/carb protein bars, protein yoghurt, scrambled eggs and fish in between liquids – as long it is high in protein, it will keep you full.


Please remember that the pouch reset isn’t a quick fix. In order to achieve your weight loss goals you will need to incorporate elements of this diet still present after you have finished it. Often weight regain is due to the wrong nutritional balance. After the pouch reset you will still need to prioritise protein and keep carbs to a minimum. You will still need to regularly exercise and stay as active as possible.


A few tips…

After bariatric surgery you will need to incorporate new habits into your everyday life to help you achieve your weight loss goals and maintain that weight loss.

It is the beginning of your new future, and every now and again life may get difficult and old habits can creep back up again. The pouch reset can help you regain those good habits again and help you get closer to that target weight!

If you need any additional hints and tips please feel free to get in contact with our team.

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