Many men and women choose the Brazilian Bum Lift (BBL) – one of the most confidence-boosting, figure lifting plastic surgery procedures. Patients with flatter figures find that a BBL hugely enhances their silhouette and image. However, this is still surgery and as with all surgeries there is a recovery period involved.
One of the most challenging aspects of this period is that you are not allowed to sit down for approximately 8 weeks after the procedure. Sounds impossible, right? Wrong! We have some tricks up our sleeve. Your exact recovery time will depend a lot on how well you follow all the instructions given to you by your surgeon and medical team.
What is involved in BBL surgery?
During this procedure the surgeon will remove fat from your hips, abdomen or thighs via liposuction. This fat will then be purified so that it is safe to transfer it into your buttocks.This fat is then inserted into both buttocks to achieve the look you have discussed with your surgeon.
Why can’t I sit on my bum?
It is important to note that a BBL does not include implants, it is just a transfer of fat. The success rates of fat transfer procedures are much higher than implants, as well as looking more natural. This fat transfer procedure is also the reason why you can’t sit down after surgery. If you sit on the transfer site your final results will not be as good as you imagined as the fat needs time to adjust to its new host. You can minimise your BBL recovery time (but not the sitting strike) by following the instructions given to you by your surgeon.
When can I sit again after surgery?
If you are worried 8 weeks is too early for you to start sitting, don’t fret. Eight weeks is plenty of time for tissue to heal and for the fat to lock into its new home. Before that time you need to stay off your buttocks completely. This might sound daunting but the results will be so worth it!
Recovery Tips
Many people can hesitate from committing to having a BBL because they just can’t see how they could go about their everyday lives without sitting down. We are here to make it manageable for you! Here are some tips:
Lie on your side
It might not be the most comfortable position whilst watching television but it will help you achieve those perfect results you dreamt of. You should also sleep on either your stomach or side.
Don’t Drive
It isn’t just the sitting position that can affect your recovery but also by pressing on the brake and accelerator this can destroy the implanted fat cells. Try to avoid travelling where possible after surgery but if you must travel, choose public transportation options which offer a standing position.
The Half Sit
After 4 weeks have passed your surgeon may give you permission to start partially sitting on your buttocks with surrounding support such as pillows or a doughnut pillow. It is worth remembering though that the less you sit on it, the better your results will be.
Stand and Walk
You may be tired and sore immediately after your surgery but it is essential for you to keep active and reduce pressure on the areas where you had liposuction.You can start normal standing activities 2-3 days after surgery. While we dont want you to push yourself too hard, staying active and maintaining motion can actually help you recover more quickly. Ask us for support whenever you need.
The bottom line is you need to stay off your butt! You will be so impressed with the results and the effort it took, even if it was tough at times. We don’t want there to be a need for you to have revision surgery, as then you will have to do another 8 week sit strike! As always, you can contact us here at Gastro Life Assistance with any questions or concerns you may have at, we are always here to help.