Gastric Sleeve vs. Gastric Band

If you are significantly overweight or obese then you are likely to be struggling with more than just the numbers on the scales. Being significantly overweight can increase your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, depression, infertility and even some types of cancer.

These obesity-related risks can be greatly reduced or even eliminated completely with bariatric surgery. In many cases patients can become much less dependent on diabetes medication or no longer need it at all.

Bariatric surgery is an effective aid to help you lose weight. Weight loss can help you to feel more confident about your appearance as well as improving your health and quality of life. We understand that often there is a fear that the weight will return after bariatric surgery, and with that the decision of which surgery you should have so that this will be less likely to happen. Two of the most common procedures are lap-band surgery and sleeve gastrectomy.


Gastric Band Surgery

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery reduces the amount of food the stomach can hold by placing a small, inflatable band around the upper section of the stomach. The band restricts how much food can be consumed and controls the process of digestion by creating two large pouches – the upper pouch is where the food is initially held, while the lower, larger pouch is where the food is digested. This process can cause a number of problems – band slippage, severe acid reflux, obstruction, esophageal dilation, vomiting and poor nutrition.

For most patients this procedure is not suitable for long term weight loss and the majority go on to have gastric band to sleeve revision surgery later on. It is for these reasons we do not offer the gastric band – the success rate is not sufficient enough for us to offer this as a suitable bariatric surgery option.


Gastric Sleeve Surgery


Gastric Sleeve Surgery is also a procedure which restricts the amount of food the stomach can hold, but also triggers favourable changes in the hormones in the gut such as reducing appetite, suppressing hunger and controlling blood sugar.

The procedure is performed by removing approximately 80-85% of the stomach and is performed via keyhole surgery and you can expect to be back to normal activities within 4-5 days after surgery. You may experience some acid reflux after surgery whilst your stomach is still healing but you will be provided with stomach protectors to alleviate these symptoms and aid with general healing.

In comparison to all other bariatric surgeries the sleeve carries the lowest risk of malnutrition due to the new pouch not absorbing nutrients correctly. By following a healthy lifestyle you can expect to lead an active life and a positive relationship with food.

For more information on our bariatric surgery options please get in contact with us at

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