Gastric Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve

Any weight loss surgery you have is a tool, and you will need to be committed to working with that tool after surgery. But some people worry that if they haven’t been able to stick to a diet before, why would weight loss surgery work for them now? 

Gastric Sleeve Surgery works in two ways. It removes 80-85% of the stomach and also removes the hunger hormone called ‘Ghrelin’. By removing the hunger hormone your relationship with food will change completely, you will no longer feel as hungry and due to the reduced stomach size, smaller portions will fill you up more quickly. But don’t worry – you will still be able to enjoy food after surgery. It may take a few months to establish a new eating routine but please don’t be concerned that you will never be able to eat normally again. In time you will be able to eat whatever you want, just in smaller portions, and still enjoy that skinny new body!

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