Am I a candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

Ladies, pregnancy and childbirth are amazing feats of strength and perseverance that you should never be ashamed of. Some mothers however, feel unhappy with stretch marks, excess skin, c-section scars and saggy breasts these feats leave behind.

Others may have battled with obesity, only to lose the weight and be left with saggy, excess skin and it can be difficult to feel the accomplishment of a large weight loss when you aren’t confident in your new body. You are considered a good candidate for Mummy Makeover surgery if you meet the following criteria:

  • Have realistic expectations about this surgery
  • Do not plan on having any more children
  • Gave birth at least 6 months ago
  • Struggle with loose/sagging skin What is included in a Mummy Makeover?

This procedure will be tailored to be unique to your body and your experiences. The Mummy Makeover isn’t a weight loss procedure but we can still do minor adjustments to enhance and sculpt your curves if you wish.


Tummy Tuck

The area of the body which changes the most after pregnancy or excessive weight loss is the stomach. The womb was your child’s safety and comfort for nine long months; there’s no shame at all in having some leftover skin from your little one’s stay! We love seeing women that love their bodies as they are and appreciate how hard they’ve worked, but when you’re ready for a change, we’re here for you.


Breast Augmentation

Another area of the body affected by both motherhood and weight loss is the chest. Regardless of whether you chose to breastfeed or not, your breasts will be affected due to naturally occurring hormone fluctuations. You may experience size changes or just sagging.


Some women experience size changes, while others simply experience sagging. Depending on how pregnancy and breastfeeding affected your breasts, your surgical needs may differ from someone else’s. You can discuss reduction, lifting and implants with our surgeon to achieve the look you want and deserve.


Should I have both surgeries together?

The best time to address your plastic concerns is while you are already under the knife. It is better to have all your planned surgeries done at once so you aren’t struggling through multiple recovery times, especially if you have children at home. If you have a sagging arms, turkey neck or excess skin on your thighs we can address it in one procedure.


Recovery Period

If you have ever had surgery before you will already know that it can take some time to recover. Especially after plastic surgery the standard full recovery time is approximately 6-8 weeks. It will probably take much longer than this for your scars to heal completely and diminish in appearance.

Remember you will need to take it easy on your return and delegate some of the more strenuous chores around the house.

Are you ready to get your body back? If so, the team at Gastro Life Assistance are here and ready to help you. Let’s schedule your consultation today – after all, you deserve it.

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